Term 1: Monday 3 February – Friday 4 April (9 weeks)
Term 2: Monday 28 April – Friday 20 June (8 weeks)
Term 3: Monday 14 July – Friday 19 September (10 weeks)
Term 4: Tuesday 7 October – Friday 28 November (8 weeks)

Please see a list of Public Holidays that impact CCA classes:

Monday May 5 – Labour Day
Wednesday August 13 – Ekka Show (Brisbane Only)
Monday October 6 – King’s Birthday

Update body to: Students will have the option to perform in two Student Showcases in 2025.
These showcases are open for family and friends to attend and see how the full cast of CCA students bring their talents and hard work to the stage. Students must be enrolled for the full term to be involved in end-of-term showcases. Exact dates will be advertised once confirm, but see below the tentative showcase dates for 2025:

Term 2 – Sunday June 14
Term 4 – Saturday November 15

We also partner with Citipointe Church to allow platform opportunities to perform in Conferences, Christmas Productions & special events held throughout the year. Offers for these performances will be advised when required. It is our goal to allow our CCA performers as many performance opportunities as possible. We believe that despite the hours spent in the studio, the best teacher is often an audience.

Citipointe Creative Academy holds a high standard of safety and professionalism and it is important that our dress code is adhered to at all times. 

Please view our Dress Code expectations in our Student Handbook, under the Guidelines heading. Unfortunately, failure to follow our dress code guidelines may result in students being unable to participate in class. No school uniforms or school shoes are permitted in classes. All students are required to bring a water bottle to class and have their hair pulled back neat and tidy. 

Within your yearly registration/administration fee of $65, students will receive a CCA shirt that is to be worn to all CCA classes and will be used for various performances throughout the year.

Each student is to provide their own folder (with plastic sleeve inserts) for any printed handouts the teacher provides. This folder is to be brought to each lesson. Any additional theory/music books required for your tuition will be advised by the teaching artist and is to be purchased personally by the student.

Instrumental Tuition Students are to provide their own instrument to bring along to each lesson. Drums will be available for usage during lessons in the CCA studio. 

For instrument hire at student cost, we recommend visiting www.vivacemusic.com.au

Please arrive 5 minutes prior to class start time in order to provide ample time to check-in. Each student must ensure they have been to the toilet and have a water bottle for class. Students that are repeatedly late to class may not be allowed to enter class upon arrival or may be encouraged to cancel their enrolment in continued. Please note, there is no food allowed in dance or music studios.

The CCA fee structure varies according to the length and class type attended. All fees are outlined on our Prices page. For a full breakdown of our policies regarding fees and payments, please see our student handbook

A yearly registration fee of $65 per person is required upon first enrolment in a calendar year. This once-off yearly payment covers a small annual administration fee, plus a CCA uniform t-shirt that is to be worn to classes and to various performances throughout the year. This fee is applicable to all students, regardless of returning or new.

CCA is unable to credit or refund classes due to the student being absent, unwell, or injured. Make-up sessions are not available. Should CCA cancel a class due to closure or teacher absence the class fee will be credited to your account. Credited classes will be refunded 

Fee Discounts (applicable to all classes)

5% Discount for each additional sibling within the same family

5% discount for each additional class booked weekly (2 or more classes)

Parents are unable to be in the studios during lessons, but are welcome to wait on our Mezzanine Level or outdoor seating areas. We ask that parents do not challenge or argue with the CCA teaching artists on these set policies. Please talk to the CCA Manager or Host if you have queries on this matter. 

On the terms that we do not hold our CCA showcases, we invite parents/carers to attend a Parent Viewing Class in the last week of term. This is only offered in Term 1 and 3. 

Please note: Maximum of 2 family members per student can attend due to space. 

Parents will be invited in for the final 10-15 minutes of the class. Visitors will be instructed to wait outside until the CCA teacher confirms the class is ready and invites you into the classroom.